Convert type
Conversion = Type "(" Expression [ "," ] ")" .
*Point(p) // same as *(Point(p))
(*Point)(p) // p is converted to *Point
<-chan int(c) // same as <-(chan int(c))
(<-chan int)(c) // c is converted to <-chan int
func()(x) // function signature func() x
(func())(x) // x is converted to func()
(func() int)(x) // x is converted to func() int
func() int(x) // x is converted to func() int (unambiguous)
- Some conversions will create a new value, such as from integer to floating point
type assertion
str, ok := value.(string)
if ok {
fmt.Printf("string value is: %q\n", str)
} else {
fmt.Printf("value is not a string\n") // str is an empty string